
be still my beating heart

At the corner of Ceasar Chavez and Church sits an unassuming storefront with a beguiling sign of a rooster in a chef's toque, Omnivore Books on Food. The name while an apt description of the store's contents cannot capture the magic of the place. It's not only a bookstore wholly dedicated to food(a HUGE draw in itself), but it is also place that seeks to cultivate a community of food lovers. It boasts an event calendar that includes readings with food luminaries like Frank Bruni, David Leibowitz, and rumoured appearance of celebrated chef Thomas Keller. Omnivore Books does not content itself with only trading on food legends but also hosts events such as the pie contest, where one can either enter a pie or for a mere $5 sample all the goodies. Yum! If that were not enough there's the books. The store carries a great selection of new, signed and antique books. If you are book or food lover(better yet, both!), guard your wallet zealously there will be many tempting tomes to tickle and inspire your taste buds. Even with a healthy dose of restraint I walked out of there with three titles, An Edible History of Humanity by Tom Standage, The Sweet Life in Paris by David Lebovitz, and If You Can Stand the Heat by Dawn Davis. Go visit my new favorite place and tell me what you think.

Oh, did I mention that they also sold farm fresh eggs. That's a check-out impulse buy I can get behind!

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