As I've mentioned earlier the super thoughtful hubby gave me an ice-cream maker for my birthday. Awesome, I know! I wasted no time and put that baby to work.
It's also my dad's birthday tomorrow so the inaugural ice-cream flavor was his choosing, he readily requested the classic, Rocky Road. I suppose the apple doesn't fall far from the tree(or in this case the bowl from the spoon?) because I was also craving some Rocky Road. I made the chocolate batter this morning and chilled it for eight hours. The batter needed that much time to chill and I needed that time to recover. Whew! With a custard base the batter was not the easiest to make. A fine line exists between scrambled chocolate eggs and creamy chocolate custard. Thankfully my attempt landed on the custard side and the ice-cream experiment was still on track. I toasted some chopped almonds and purchased ludicrously priced gourmet marshmallows(definitely worth the $), which were then folded into the batter. I was unsure on when to add the nuts and after reading and re-reading David Lebovitz's recipe and introduction and not finding the answer, I decided to add the almonds before the batter was churned. BIG MISTAKE! I almost broke my new toy. It made this horrible clicking sounds as it attempted to turn the batter. The ice-cream gods must have been smiling at me because the batter did not have to be churned for as long as recommended before it was at my desired consistency thereby saving my beloved ice-cream maker from a certain death.
Perhaps I am a tad biased, but my Rocky Road ice-cream rocks(excuse the pun)! It is creamy without being too dense and the roasted almonds and marshmallows are the perfect foil to the richness of the ice-cream. YUM! I wonder what I should make next...
it was better then birite!